dube Moulder Architects


We welcome our new architecture student intern, Evan Demuth!

Evan joined us early January from Kansas State University where she is pursuing a Master in Architecture degree. She is creative, a fast learner and a great addition to our team. To get to know her better, we asked her a few questions:

1. 你是哪里人?

I grew up in Eudora, KS, a small town just West of Kansas City. I was homeschooled with my two older siblings, until attending Eudora High School. Eudora High is where I was introduced to AutoCAD. I’m grateful for that experience as DMA utilizes AutoCAD.

2. 你为什么想成为一名建筑师?

Architecture marries two things I'm passionate about; art and service to others. I enjoy the opportunity to create while improving the lives of others.

3. 为什么选择堪萨斯州立大学?

I was looking for an accredited architecture program in-state for financial reasons. I considered going to my parents’ alma mater, KU; I could have lived at home. I'm really close to my family, but I wanted to step out on my own adventure starting college. I had some understanding of how rigorous architecture school is: there are stretches of time you essentially live in the studio. Often being busy in studio, the strength of genuine community was valuable to me. K-State is known for a friendly, family like environment. I experienced this through Smurthwaite, 我住过的奖学金宿舍, 有时作为领导的一部分, 和Chi Alpha, the student ministry I was involved in.

4. Why did you want to do an internship? 为什么在DMA?

I sought out an internship as an immersive learning experience. I've been learning design in classrooms and studios for three and a half years. K-State's curriculum offers an educational internship experience allowing us the spring semester and summer to work in the professional world. DMA made an impression with their high standard of drawing quality and consistently beautiful work. The last thing to clinch the deal was how encouraging they were to me stepping out of my comfort zone. I knew this would be an enriching new adventure.

5. Anything you'd like to share such as winning a contest, 或者你参与的一个项目, 或做志愿者, 或其他?

I volunteered during high school with Youthfront Camps, Christian camps for middle and high school students. My mom brought me along as a toddler while she cleaned cabins. My siblings and I helped Mom as soon as we were able, but the best part was growing up with the entire camp as our backyard. 随着年龄的增长, I wanted to be there while all the people were, so I got involved as a volunteer in the highschool summer staff program, 青少年员工. My family became accustomed to my absence as I was gone most of the summer. 当我回到营地, as a college student to help on Summer Staff, I served as one of the High Ropes Course Supervisors. I led middle schoolers through a challenge course thirty feet in the air. At camp I met wonderful people who I still keep in touch with including Matthew Wendte, my fiancé. Youthfront brought many joys into my life: an opportunity to serve others, 紧密结合的社区, a bit of adventure and a lifelong partner.

6. 你会帮我们做什么?

I will be helping with drafting, drawing and design. I’m always learning more about what it means to be an architect. I am currently working with Chris Moulder on a research project assessing the value and future of hand drafting and drawing in our profession.

7. Did anything surprise you working in a business vs. 学校环境?

Something that surprised and impressed me is the way DMA uses hand drafting and computer software efficiently in tandem. 当我还是学生的时候,我就开始构思草图, but drafting by hand works ideas out clearly before submitting them on the computer.

8. Tell us about a challenging project you worked on and feel pleased with.

One of my favorite projects while at K-State was the Mt. 米切尔解说中心. The program of the project was understood in different ways by each student, but what I loved about this project was the design process my professor encouraged. 鲍勃·康迪亚教授, FAIA, saw different artistic talents in each of us and pushed us to use those as our medium for design. 第三年, while many students were taking their work to the computer, 我们有雕刻, 素描, and painting going on in our studio. It was a fun environment to work in. I designed through watercolor, abstractly and through perspectives. The challenge was to take the ideas and translate them into successful plans, 剖面图及立面图. I learned to convey compelling ideas through art. 我的期末报告很笨拙, watercolor paper boards which proved difficult to scan, but I enjoyed the reminder of some of my original architectural inspirations.

9. What's your favorite social media platform?

I definitely use Facebook the most. I enjoy keeping up with old friends; especially seeing them experience new life events.

10. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

In my spare time, I enjoy a good book- mostly nostalgic fiction lately- and drinking coffee. I also dabble in watercolor and appreciate exploring my new home and quality conversation.

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